With the recent snowstorm and cold temperatures, KCK Rotary is meeting virtually (via Zoom) today. Stay inside, warm, and safe, and join us at Noon on Zoom to hear from Carol Levers, who recently retired as Executive Director of the Kansas City Kansas Public Library.
September 2024 was a busy month for the Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club! In addition to a great month of programs, KCK Rotary members spent volunteer time in the community. Members assisted with Rosedale Development Association’s park clean-up at Fisher Park in Kansas City, Kansas, and restocked shelves in the food pantry at Cross-Lines Community Outreach, also in Kansas City, Kansas.
At weekly meetings held at the Club’s new meeting location at FosterAdopt Connect in Downtown KCK, Club members welcomed several interesting speakers, including US Senator Roger Marshall, who shared information on issues being addressed in DC that are of great interest to the KCK community. Additional dignitaries visiting KCK Rotary in September were District 5710 Governor Tamara Sevcik and District Endowment and Major Gifts Chair Roger Aeschilman, as well as local physician and author Dr. Chris Jenson.
In recognition of September 11th, in addition to DG Sevcik, local firefighter G Matz spoke to the Club and provided his story of working at ground zero in the days after 9/11 as part of a team of firefighters from KCKFD. Acknowledging the abrupt change in tone following G’s remarks, DG Sevcik presented great updates on the District and her goals for this year, gifting sunflower seeds to all members. The next week, after a short presentation by Mattie Vandel, District 5710 Global Scholar, Mr. Aeschilman led members in a lively quiz game about the District’s fundraising efforts. That quiz game certainly released the competitive spirit of KCK Rotarians! For the final week of September, Dr. Chris Jenson, author and former emergency medicine physician, spoke to Club members about workplace stress and burnout.
Looking ahead, Club members are deeply involved in planning for hosting Mayor Tyrone Garner’s State of the Unified Government address, set for Tuesday, December 10, 2024. More information concerning tickets for the event will be released soon.

Our August meetings were a powerhouse of vital information, thanks to Rotarian and Fire Chief Dennis L. Rubin. We explored essential topics like smoke, carbon monoxide, and natural gas detectors, hands-only CPR, community paramedicine, and home safety inspections. To learn more about home safety, community paramedicine, or hands-only CPR, go to www.kckfd.org. For more information about smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home, go to www.kckfd.org/index.php/smoke-co-detectors. The KCKFD’s efforts in leading community safety and health promotion are truly inspiring!
In addition to providing a great month of informative programs, Chief Rubin also championed the Club’s membership efforts. We’re thrilled to announce that Andrew Novak is joining the Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club! Andy, who is the Deputy Fire Chief at the Kansas City, Kansas Fire Department, discovered our club through the Chief’s invitation to the robust series of safety and community paramedicine presentations hosted by KCKFD.
Since 1998, Andy has been a driving force in the KCKFD, rising through the ranks from firefighter to driver to captain. A proud lifelong resident of KCK and a third-generation firefighter, he brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to our community.
Welcome aboard, Andy! We’re excited to have your expertise and passion on our team!

2023 State of the Unified Government Luncheon
Join Mayor Tyrone Garner for the 2023 State of the Unified Government annual luncheon, hosted by the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Kansas!
Memorial Hall
December 5, 2023
11:30 - Doors Open
12:00 - Program
We hope that you and your organization will attend this Kansas City, Kansas tradition! Interested in hosting a table at the event? Tables of 8 are available for $280, and individual tickets are $35.
The link to purchase tickets is below.
KCK Mayor Tyrone Garner will be giving this year’s State of the Government Presentation, reviewing the past year and reflecting on what comes next.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Rosemary Podrebarac at kckrotary@gmail.com.
We welcomed the Sumner Academy Choir back this week for their annual Christmas concert. We had not been able to gather together since before the pandemic. It was such a treat and they loved singing in the Memorial Hall Ballroom. Thank you to Ms. Becky Thomas, Choir Director, and the Sumner Academy Treble Choir. Karole Bradford, Club President, was able to snag a photo with these talented KCK students and teachers.

This August held five Tuesdays, which provided the Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club with five opportunities for meetings, with quite a bit of variety.

The KCK Rotary Club was pleased to host District Governor Stephanie Meyer for her official club visit and welcomed her to the Ballroom at Memorial Hall in downtown KCK. DG Meyer shared her personal story as well as her vision for District 5710. Luckily, DG Meyer left behind some of her infectious enthusiasm for this Rotary year!
The Club also welcomed a couple of writers this month: local author Michael Kolich one week and Monique Hammond, a researcher and author from Minnesota, another week. Mr. Kolich shared that his book was inspired by his time growing up in KCK, and he encouraged members to write their own story. Ms. Hammond is a Rotarian from Minnesota who has spoken to numerous Rotary Clubs across the US and other English-speaking countries. As a result of her loss of hearing as an adult, Ms. Hammond has been inspired to conduct extensive research on hearing loss and prevention of hearing loss to carry out her mission to “keep people of all ages hearing better, longer.”
Taking advantage of a lovely and atypical August evening in Kansas, the Club hosted a tailgate at Legends Field prior to a Kansas City Monarchs game. The tailgate provided a great opportunity for visiting with fellow Rotarians and their family and friends. Closing out August, Erin Stryka, the Executive Director of Rosedale Development Association, spoke to the Club about RDA’s goals and wonderful impact in the community.
The past few weeks this Spring, the Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club had been busy with a focus on education. And, for the first time in more than two years, we were able to welcome local high school students and educators in person!
As part of its annual Student Scholarship Competition, the Club hosted outstanding high school students from Wyandotte County schools. One female and one male student from each school were nominated by their respective school’s staffs to compete for $1,500 college scholarships. All the students exemplify the highest academic, service and character standards in our community. We can all be proud of these Wyandotte County students, and we are excited about their bright futures.
Pictured below are the students who competed for a scholarship from The Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Presidents’ Foundation.

Pictured from left to right: JaKayla Brown (Sumner Academy), Alexis Gerber (Piper High School), Jazmin Romo (Bonner Springs High School), Luna Marin-Rodriguez (Wyandotte High School), and Asma Haji (J.C. Harmon High School)
Pictured from left to right: Emmanuel Madrid (J.C. Harmon High School), Luis Aguilera-Fernandez (Wyandotte High School),
Alexis Corral (Sumner Academy), Langston Bassett (Piper High School), and John Barger (Bonner Springs High School)

During National Teacher Appreciation Week, the Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club also honored some very deserving local educators. On National Teacher Day of that week, we presented the KCK Rotary Club’s Educator of the Year Awards. Educators from Wyandotte County high schools were introduced by their respective principals who provided background on each honoree and the reasons behind that individual’s selection as Educator of the Year.

Pictured from left to right: Elizabeth Villanueva (J.C. Harmon High School), Angela Diaw (Wyandotte High School), Amy Adam (Piper High School),
Magan Harrell (Bonner Springs High School), Tyler Heying (Bishop Ward High School), Tracy Carver (F.L. Schlagle High School),
Jennifer Manger (Turner High School), and Elizabeth Bergman (Sumner Academy)
Finally, this past month the Club also received word about from the Hispanic Development Fund announcing the 2022 Class of HDF Scholars. This year’s class of 415 scholars, the largest class in the history of the HDF Scholarship Program, was awarded a record of $896,450 in total scholarships. Through our members and The KCK Rotary Presidents’ Foundation, we raised $4,000 which was matched through Cambio Para Cambio donor funds for a total of $8,000. Because our HDF KCK Rotary Club Scholars attend educational institutions which also provide matching funds, an additional $5,500 in scholarships will be available to the students, bringing the total award for the six newly named HDF KCK Rotary Club Scholars to $13,500!
On September 14, 2021, the Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club honored Wyandotte County Sheriff Donald “Don” Ash, who spoke to the Club that day.
Prior to the Club meeting, Todd Jordan, KCK Rotary Board Member, presented a Paul Harris Fellow and a plaque to Sheriff Ash, who is not running for re-election as Wyandotte County Sheriff this fall. Sheriff Ash was especially honored with being named a Paul Harris Fellow.
The inscription on the plaque states:
The Rotary Club of Kansas City, Kansas
Sheriff Donald “Don” Ash
on the occasion of his retirement,
with appreciation and thanks
from a grateful community for
many years of dedicated service
September 14, 2021

Todd Jordan, KCK Rotary Board member, and Wyandotte County Sheriff Don Ash
A lifelong Wyandotte County resident and Washington High School Class of 1971 alum, Sheriff Ash began his career in law enforcement as a Police Cadet for the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department in February 1972, serving in many different roles until his retirement from the KCKPD in December 2006.
In 2009, Sheriff Ash was elected for his first term as Sheriff of Wyandotte County, Kansas. He was re-elected in 2013 and again in 2017, making him the first person to be elected to three terms as Wyandotte County Sheriff. With his decision not to seek re-election in 2020, Sheriff Ash will be leaving the office after more than 12 years of service as Sheriff and more than 47 years of service in law enforcement.
With this conclusion of his many years of dedicated public service, the KCK Rotary Club wishes Sheriff Ash all the best in his retirement!
The rain and storm on Friday made weeding at Kaw Point Park a lot easier on Saturday morning, August 21, 2021. We picked up trash and removed as much crabgrass as we could from the native gardens with volunteers from Friends of Kaw Point Park. It was the first time Fernanda, Matt and Melody had been to the park. For our long time members, who knew KCK Rotary member Mike Calwell, you know how tirelessly he and Laura worked to transform and maintain this park. This year Rotary International officially added Protecting the Environment as one of their areas of focus. Helping to maintain this special piece of land in our community is a great way to contribute to protecting the environment and honoring the legacy of Mike. Thanks to Ken Davis for continuing to encourage all of us to be a part of this magical place in our community. We hope to see you on Saturday, Sept 25th for the next clean up.

Service Above Self
Kansas City, KS
United States of America