The Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club has announced the winners of its annual Student Scholarship Contest. Due to the pandemic, the students joined Club members at one of the Club’s weekly Zoom meetings to make their presentations. Each participating student had the opportunity to make a virtual introduction to Club members and describe his or her activities and goals for the future.
For 2020, the Club awarded $1,500 college scholarships to Miles Lockridge of Piper High School and Jamike Unoke of Piper High School and $750 college scholarships to Jonathan Palmgren of Turner High School and Karla Alvarado of Wyandotte High School. The Club awards these scholarships to the top female and male students who participate in the Club’s scholarship speech contest. These students competed with other outstanding high school students from Wyandotte County high schools. All the students exemplify the highest academic, service and character standards in our community. We can all be proud of what Wyandotte County has helped produce in these students. The Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club congratulates them and wishes them the best in their pursuit of higher education.