2016-17 Installation Dinner
Posted on Jul 15, 2016
On the evening of July 5th club members and guests enjoyed a night of fun with the installation of new officers and board members for a new year. Pat Crilly acted as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. Out-Going President Hank Chamberlain gave a report of the past year and then thanked all members for their participation during the year. President Ashley Adorante told members about her vision for the coming new year. Past District Governor Bill Mullarky installed the new officers and directors.
2016-2017 Officers
President Ashley Adorante
Vice President Fred Zimmerman
Treasurer Greg Shondell
Secretary Jim Knight
Sgt.-at-Arms Rosemary Podrebarac
Past President Hank Chamberlain
2016-2017 Board Members
Rick Behrens Wendell Maddock
Karole Bradford Melissa Mundt
John Freshnock Bruce Schlosser
Phil Gibbs Donna Severance
President-Elect Ashley Adorante presents President Hank Chamberlain his Past-President pin and plaque.
Installation of 2016-17 Officers and Directors