2015 Panama VVT Visit
on Jan 23, 2015
On January 20, 2015 the Kansas City Kansas Rotary Club hosted the 2015 District 5710 Vocational Training Team (VTT) from Panama at the club's weekly luncheon.
- Pictured left to right: Dr. Juan Jose Ayola, KCK Rotary President Ken Davis, Rotarian Jose Manuel Espinosa Perez, and Licda Yaritza Pena
Three members of the Panama VVT attended the meeting. Also present were Chuck Udell, a member of the Leawood Rotary Club, who is serving as the VTT Coordinator to the group and Rotarian Jorge Coromac, who helped organize the VVT. Rotary member Jose Manuel Espinosa Perez of the El Dorado, Panama Rotary Club presented the team and showed a power point presentation about the history of his club, his country, and what their team hoped to accomplish here in Kansas. He told and showed members what projects they were doing in Panama. He went on to say that their projects would not be possible without grants from Rotary Clubs. Another member of the team, Licda Yaritza Pena, thanked Rotarians for their support and the opportunity they have in coming to our District. Dr. Juan Jose Ayola was the other member of the Team in attendance. While in District 5710, the team will receive training in numerous fields; including health care, emergency preparedness, and distance learning.
President Ken read a letter of welcome from District Governor Debra Rodenbaugh-Schaub to open the meeting