2015 Kansas City Day Funds Disbursed
on Oct 23, 2015
The Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club participated in 28th Greater Kansas City Day on April 6th of this year. The club has participated in every Greater Kansas City Day since its inception in 1988. Greater Kansas City Day sees Rotarians and other volunteers selling special editions of the Kansas City Star on street corners around the metro, always coinciding with the Royal’s home opener. The project raises money for the Rotary Youth Camp and other children’s charities.
Funds raised by Rotarians of the Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club this year were split between PACES (a program of Wyandot, Inc.) and the Boy Scouts. At the October 13th luncheon meeting of the club, a check for $428.14 was presented to Angela Dunn, Director of PACES. At the October 20th meetings, another $428.14 check was presented to Kyle Fulbright of the Boy Scouts.
- Club President Hank Chamberlain presents Angela Dunn, Director of PACES, with a check from the KCK Rotary Club
- Club President Hank Chamberlain presents Kyle Fulbright of the Boy Scouts, with a check from the KCK Rotary Club