2015-16 Installation Dinner
on Jun 23, 2015
On the evening of June 23rd club members and guests enjoyed a night of fun with the installation of new officers and board members for a new year. Pat Crilly acted as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. President Ken Davis gave a report of the past year and then thanked all members for their participation during the year. President-elect Hank Chamberlain told members about his vision for the coming new year. Assistant District Governor MikeMcVey installed the new officers and then President Hank Chamberlain.
2015-2016 Officers
President Hank Chamberlain
Vice President Ashley Adorante
Treasurer Greg Shondell
Secretary Jim Knight
Sgt.-at-Arms Rosemary Podrebarac
Past President Ken Davis
2015-2016 Board Members
Rick Behrens Priscilla McInnes
Karole Bradford Bruce Schlosser
Phil Gibbs Donna Severance
John Freshnock Mark Wiebe
Fred Zimmerman
President-Elect Hank Chamberlain presents President Ken Davis his Past-President pin and plaque.
Installation of 2015-16 Officers and Directors